The Islamic Board’s Fundación las Fuentes and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) have signed an agreement in Cordoba that establishes joint objectives focused on the preservation and promotion of heritage, the promotion of diverse societies through dialogue and mutual respect.

Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Commissioner of the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations, emphasised the importance of this agreement as a means of promoting peaceful coexistence and highlighting the value of cultural diversity, as well as the need to recognise the contributions of diverse cultures to humanity.

Isabel Romero, president of Fundación las Fuenes, highlighted the creation of the European Islamic Heritage Institute to promote knowledge of Islamic heritage in Europe.

In addition, mention is made of Red de Medinas, which connects and promotes heritage in various European countries, including Spain, Portugal, Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as projects such as the Laboratory of Haute Andalusian Cuisine and the Laboratory of Traditional Arts and Crafts.

The agreement also addresses the importance of understanding spirituality in the contemporary world as a legitimate option for all citizens, without opposing secularism. 

Instituto Halal, a major partner of the Las Fuentes Foundation, is proud to have been present at this important event, hoping that this agreement will promote understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.