The newspaper La Provincia de Las Palmas, with the support ofInstituto Halal, has explored the significant growth of the market for halal-certified products and services in the Canary Islands, generating promising opportunities for both businesses and consumers.

For this publication, the newspaper contacted the Halal Institute to gain valuable insights into this growing phenomenon. An interview with our Director General, Muhammad Escudero, revealed essential insights into the market potential and emerging opportunities for businesses in the region.

Halal certification, which guarantees compliance with Islamic standards, is gaining significant traction in the Canary Islands, attracting a growing audience. The article underlines the importance of adapting to these standards in order to attract Muslim consumers, especially for companies wishing to export to majority Islamic countries, highlighting the need to obtain this certification.

The report highlights the remarkable progress in the region, highlighting the presence of five companies in the Canary Islands that offer products certified and endorsed by Islamic law. This fact not only broadens the options for consumers, but also opens up new business prospects in the region.

Muhammad Escudero, Director General of Instituto Halal, emphasises that halal certification is not only a religious requirement, but also an ethical and technical commitment. This certification guarantees the quality and integrity of certified products, generating confidence in both consumers and businesses.

The positive impact extends to employment, as these certified companies offer direct employment to 168 residents in the Canary Islands, contributing to the economic and social development of the region.

In addition to presenting a detailed overview of the growing impact of the halal market in the Canary Islands, it highlights its importance not only for businesses, but also for the Muslim community in the region.

For those interested in more details on this growing trend, the full article can be accessed at the following link: Full Article.