Instituto Halal de Junta Islámica receives a visit from a BPJPH delegation to advance its accreditation renewal process in Indonesia, which will allow its certified companies to continue exporting to the Asian country and comply with the new regulations established by the Indonesian government. Since 2006, when it received recognition from the MUI, companies certified by the Instituto Halal have been exporting their products to Indonesia, which is one of the countries with the highest demand for halal products worldwide.

June – 2024

Instituto Halal de Junta Islámica recently received a visit from a delegation of BPJPH (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal), the Halal Product Assurance Agency of Indonesia, under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. For several days, the BPJPH meticulously evaluated the procedures, human resources, facilities, and the application of Halal requirements in the industries certified by Instituto Halal de Junta Islámica. 

This evaluation is part of the process to obtain the renewal of the accreditation from Indonesia, a crucial step to comply with the new regulations established by the Indonesian government. Starting October 17, 2024, all industrial food and beverage products entering Indonesia must have Halal certification issued by a nationally accredited Halal certification body. This regulation underscores Indonesia’s commitment to the quality and conformity of imported Halal products, ensuring they meet both international and local standards.

Currently, companies certified by the Instituto Halal can continue exporting their products to Indonesia thanks to recognition by the MUI, the previously responsible entity for Halal product assurance, which has recognized the Instituto Halal since 2006. This reflects a long-standing relationship between the Instituto Halal and the Asian country, benefiting many companies in expanding their exports.


Indonesia, with a population of over 270 million people, is one of the largest consumers of Halal products in the world. The demand for Halal products in Indonesia includes food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other consumer goods. The Halal market in Indonesia is estimated to be worth billions of dollars and continues to grow rapidly due to increasing consumer awareness and government support for Halal certification.

During the visit, we had the pleasure of meeting with representatives from the Indonesian Embassy in Spain, who have been a constant support in the development of the evaluation process and in facilitating communication between the involved parties. We also want to express our gratitude to the Spanish Embassy in Indonesia, especially to the ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Francisco de Asís Aguilera, and to the OFECOME in Jakarta for their efforts. These collaborations not only ensure compliance with Indonesia’s Halal standards but also strengthen bilateral relations between Spain and Indonesia in the realm of Halal certification and commercial opportunities.


The renewal of the accreditation will represent a recognition for the Instituto Halal, reaffirming our commitment to the highest international Halal quality standards and allowing Halal-certified companies to continue entering and expanding in the Indonesian market.

With the growing Halal market in Indonesia and the strengthening of commercial relations between Spain and Indonesia, this accreditation renewal promises a bright future for Spanish companies looking to capitalize on the increasing demand for Halal products in Indonesia and the ASEAN region.

Instituto Halal de Junta Islámica has been recognized by Indonesian entities since 2006, reflecting a long-standing relationship based on mutual trust that has been immensely beneficial for all parties involved.

Over the years, multiple projects and actions have been carried out to enhance commercial opportunities, promote the concept of Halal, and ensure the Halal quality assurance system.

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