Continuing with the work carried out by the Halal Institute to learn about and promote networking between the different agents operating in the market both nationally and internationally, last April we were present at:

– INSTITUTIONAL VISIT TO THE HEADQUARTERS OF ICESCO: The president of Las Fuentes Foundation, Ms. Isabel Romero, was present at the headquarters (Rabat) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO) where she was received by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director General of the organisation.

The conclusions of this meeting were the search for the promotion of modern technology, scientific research and halal industries, as well as the celebration of one of the Spanish cities with Islamic history, within the framework of ICESCO’s Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World Programme. Ms. Isabel Romero stressed the importance of establishing fruitful cooperation and international partnerships to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and the qualification of young people and women in education, science and culture.

– IV EXPO MARCA MUJER DE CÓRDOBA: Held in the Royal Botanical Gardens of Cordoba (Cordoba) from 15 to 16 April, organised by the Forum of Businesswomen and Professionals of Cordoba (FEPC). Instituto Halal has participated and supported this latest edition of what is already a consolidated fair in Cordoba, with more than 100 exhibitors and 60 activities, which has demonstrated the entrepreneurial capacity of women in the province and the business ideas of very diverse sectors. This meeting has established itself as one of the main spaces for business and with the capacity to make the female business fabric visible as a driving force for the development of the territory and the creation of new forms of networking.

– SALÓN GOURMETS:Held at IFEMA (Madrid), from 17 to 20 April. Salón Gourmets is aimed at the quality agri-food sector, having been able to learn first-hand about the situation of the sector, as well as visiting companies that have our Halal certification. This edition has been considered by experts as the best in history, showing more than 55,000 products, as well as news about research, sustainability and improvements applied to high quality food, being the Halal certification an element to take into account.

– WEBINAR: HALAL CERTIFICATION – MEXICAN COMPANIES Webinar organised in collaboration with the Asociación Mexiquense de emprendimiento social AC (AMES) on 24 April, with the aim of showing its more than 150 member companies the possibilities of obtaining halal certification. Explaining the potential of the Muslim market and the certification process that a company wishing to access this market has to follow with the help of the Halal Institute. The company Gelita, which has been certified by the Halal Institute since 2019, was able to explain its experience with the certification and the possibilities it has had to expand its exports.

– DIPLOMATIC CORPS ASSEMBLY Conference held at the Palacio de Santoña, headquarters of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce, organised by the Halal and Persian Institute and the Diplomatic Coalition&Diplomatic Council on 25 April. It was attended by companies already certified and others interested in certification, highlighting the new opportunities for Spanish companies to export to Arab markets.  







– SEAFOOD EXPO GLOBAL 2023 Held at FIRA (Barcelona), from 25 to 27 April.
SeaFood has turned Barcelona into the international epicentre for seafood products, bringing together suppliers, customers, producers, etc. Instituto Halal, through its executive director Hilene Galán, was able to meet new companies interested in halal certification, from among the more than 2,000 exhibiting companies from 87 different countries.